Monday, June 23, 2008

Dereliction of Duty

This past week has been pretty hectic and I apologize for not getting any posts up. Here are some links to tide you all (y'all) over until I have some time to write:

1) Mike, this will partially answer your question about why the vote in Boumediene was so close. Basically, Kennedy has taken over the swing position from O'Connor.

2) It's Supreme Court week over at and Dahlia Lithwick, Walter Dellinger, et al have some great commentary on this year's important decisions. I like this one in particular because it chides Scalia for attempting to use fear-mongering as a constitutional argument.

3) In the wake of the Boumediene decision, the Bush administration has been scrambling to figure out how to successfully prosecute cases against Guantanamo detainees in civilian courts. The solution? Re-write the evidence against the detainees.

4) I finished Warlock by Oakley Hall over the weekend. Everyone should read it, not just Pynchon fans. And thematically, it's eerily relevant to the war on terror.

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